Thank you for stopping by to learn more about our church family. Here are some questions that you may have when you visit for the first time.
What type of Church is Evergreen Baptist Church?
EBC is a participating Southern Baptist Church in the Conecuh Baptist Association. We believe that the Bible is the Word of God and it is taught in multiple settings throughout the week. In everything that we say and do we desire to honor Jesus Christ as the One who paid the price for our sins through His death and the one who deserves our complete obedience and worship. We believe that the Lord has called us to declare His Gospel across the street and around the world.
Does it matter what I wear?
On any given Sunday at EBC you will see anything from blue jeans to a suit and tie. How you look when you are here is not the priority. More than anything else, we want you to come and worship Jesus with us and grow in your relationship with Him.
Are there programs for my children?
Yes! We have a nursery and Sunday School classes for all ages at 9:15 a.m.
What type of music should I expect?
Our Sunday morning services are mostly traditional. We worship together with congregational singing, choir, and solos.